
Available options

A Selectable instance can be initialised with a number of custom options.

Just pass an Object to the constructor with your options:

const selectable = new Selectable({
    autoRefresh: true,
    autoScroll: {
        threshold: 0,
        increment: 10
    classes: {
        lasso: "ui-lasso",
        handle: "ui-handle",
        focused: "ui-focused",
        selected: "ui-selected",
        container: "ui-container",
        selecting: "ui-selecting",
        selectable: "ui-selectable",
        deselecting: "ui-deselecting",
    container: document.body,
    filter: ".ui-selectable",
    handle: false,
    ignore: false,
    keys: ["shiftKey", "ctrlKey", "metaKey", ""],
    lasso: {
        border: "1px dotted #000",
        backgroundColor: "rgba(52, 152, 219, 0.2)"
    lassoSelect: "normal",
    maxSelectable: false,
    saveState: false,
    throttle: 50,
    toggle: false,
    toggleTouch: true,
    tolerance: "touch",
    touch: true

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